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CETIN Group is always in motion. Discover all the latest stories.
Impact Stories
The independent network infrastructure operator CETIN Bulgaria has finished the installation of photovoltaic systems on its data centers (DC) in Sofia and Plovdiv. A system with an expected annual yield of 178.5MWh has been added to the roof of Serdika DC, and a 47.617MWh system now helps power Trakia DC in Plovdiv.
Impact Stories
Yettel Bulgaria and CETIN Bulgaria have signed a 10-year power purchasing agreement for the supply of electricity from renewable sources with Elektrohold. The electricity will be provided by a 123MW photovoltaic plant, due to be completed in the spring of 2023. The overall management of the purchase and realization of the supply will be carried out by the leading trader Elektrohold Trade. The company is part of the Electrohold Group, owned by the largest public holding in Bulgaria – Eurohold.
Impact Stories
CETIN Czechia offers from April 2023 a new tariff that brings even faster connections to users of fiber connections. The newly introduced 2000/1000Mbps tariff allows downloads and uploads at twice the speed of the former tariffs. It was designed especially for customers who work intensively with cloud applications and need to transfer large volumes of data with the highest available speeds.
Impact Stories
CETIN continues to cover Czechia with the fastest 5G network. In mid-June this year, the company successfully completed the upgrade of its entire mobile network in the region of Central Moravia. This includes 814 base stations where the top-rated 5G network is now available, including an increase in overall network capacity. CETIN will soon upgrade another 1,000 transmitters in Moravia.
Impact Stories
High-speed connectivity in rural areas is a necessary precondition for attracting the working-age population to live in smaller towns and villages. CETIN Czechia is a champion in rural coverage, with its fixed Next Generation Access (NGA) network available for more than 63% of all Czech rural households (Digital Economy and Society Index DESI, 2021). Most of the rural coverage is built using a fiber-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) network, which enables the users to achieve speeds of up to 250Mbps. However, since 2019, CETIN’s main focus has been the deployment of state-of-the-art fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, including in rural areas.
Impact Stories
CETIN Czechia offers from April 2023 a new tariff that brings even faster connections to users of fiber connections. The newly introduced 2000/1000Mbps tariff allows downloads and uploads at twice the speed of the former tariffs. It was designed especially for customers who work intensively with cloud applications and need to transfer large volumes of data with the highest available speeds.